If you want a great place to start on the path to permanent weight loss and good health, its time to Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days for $5.00.

You’ll experience the incredible power of IasoTea, which provides a unique blend of safe, all-natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the whole body.

Get everything you need to drop five pounds — fast!

* One-week supply of IasoTea
* Five-day, Fat-Flush Meal Plan designed by Clark Bartram
* Five daily video emails from Clark Bartram

Let Clark Bartram be your personal trainer for the next five days.

As “America’s Most Trusted Fitness Professional,” Clark Bartram knows how to motivate you to succeed. People pay hundreds of dollars an hour to have Clark by their side to help them reach their fitness goals, but you get his insights into diet and exercise in this special package for just $5!


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If you want a great place to start on the path to permanent weight loss and good health, its time to Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days for $5.00.

You’ll experience the incredible power of IasoTea, which provides a unique blend of safe, all-natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the whole body.

Get everything you need to drop five pounds — fast!

* One-week supply of IasoTea
* Five-day, Fat-Flush Meal Plan designed by Clark Bartram
* Five daily video emails from Clark Bartram

Let Clark Bartram be your personal trainer for the next five days.

As “America’s Most Trusted Fitness Professional,” Clark Bartram knows how to motivate you to succeed. People pay hundreds of dollars an hour to have Clark by their side to help them reach their fitness goals, but you get his insights into diet and exercise in this special package for just $5!


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