Articles on Direct Selling by Strategy India

There is a “Ponzi” for everyone

Some use multilevel marketing compensation plans, while others use the agent model to collect money from the public.

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Indian Direct Selling Industry Research: 2023

The Indian direct-selling industry has evolved significantly over the years. It has not only offered various products to consumers but has also created numerous self-employment opportunities...

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Importance of the "RIGHT" product for your direct selling company

Starting a direct selling company requires careful consideration and purposeful action. The product you choose to sell is the foundation of your business and will define its success.....

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"Ponzi Zombies"– The Monetary Plague.

"Successful multilevel marketing (MLM) scams have promised easy money with little to no effort on the victim's part. They take a novel approach to making money online and couple it with the allure of instant wealth every time."

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Direct Selling: a Boon or a Bane?

Direct selling is a form of non-store retailing that occurs outside of a traditional retail establishment. It consists of Direct Selling Entity, Direct Sellers, customers, and consumers. It means marketing, distribution, and sale of goods or provision of services through a network of persons

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Direct Selling Rules 2021

G.S.R. 889(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (zg) of sub-section (2) of section 101 read with section 94 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely

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What is a Money circulation scheme?

The term "Money Circulation Scheme" is an unsustainable operation that depends on future investments/purchases made by participants to pay off the commitments rather than generating and/or using the profits if at all earned by the company.

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What is a pyramid MLM scheme?

Many MLM operations deliberately or inadvertently end up being pyramid schemes. The actual meaning of the Pyramid scheme is an operation in which the individual who joins the earliest makes most of the money while the people joining later stand to earn a pittance, if at all.

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What ails direct-selling businesses in India?

Direct selling businesses are in dire need of effective legal regulation. This paper is eye-opening research to document the grey clouds that hinder the growth of this mode of commerce in India. The legal regime needs to be streamlined, and an appropriate regulator must be assigned.

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Cyber Security And Direct Selling Business

Ensuring cybersecurity compliance is essential for direct selling companies to safeguard their systems, sensitive information, and customers' interests...

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Decoding The New Consumer Protection Act, 2019

The new legislation has earned raves of late. The enactment promises to protect the consumers by regulating the actions of the sellers and by providing an effecting redressal mechanism. Following are noteworthy definitions and features of the new Consumer Protection Act from the perspective of direct selling medium.

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Challenges Facing Direct Selling Mlm Industry In India

Unscrupulous entities misrepresent and promote pyramid schemes, tarnishing the reputation of the entire industry. Educating direct sellers, the public, and consumers about legitimate practices is crucial to combating pyramid schemes and fraudulent activities....

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Discovering The Contours Of Direct Selling In India

This research paper endeavors to define direct selling more succinctly by differentiating it from various other similar businesses that it is often confused with and how it can be more efficiently regulated. For this purpose, we consider only those businesses that engage with independent contractors.

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Rules for Direct Selling – MLM companies recommended by Strategy India (2019)

The draft suggested to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs in 2019 by Team Strategy India.Care has been taken by our team to ensure that all the loopholes in the guidelines are fixed and do not anymore have elements which are open to interpretation.

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Informed decisions are the need of the hour

India is a hotbed of opportunities for direct selling companies with enormous potential for growth. However, with competition in this market segment getting more robust, informed decisions hold the key to gaining an edge in this expanding sector.

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Social Media Marketing for the direct selling - MLM companies

Strategy India is an organization which feels, breathes, and reacts to every spike and ebb in the pulse of the direct selling industry not just in India but across the globe. Being MLM and direct selling advisors for well over the...

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Direct Selling comes of Age

The contribution of direct selling towards skill development and the generation of the earning opportunities is far more impactful and effective than any other business model. Therefore it must be clearly understood and regulated to harness its full potential and eradicate Ponzi scams.

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Negative/Special Product List - Eye Opener

Direct selling industry is growing exponentially in India and across the world. The direct selling companies are engaged in a business model wherein they market and sell products manufactured by them or another company to the customers via direct sellers.

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The Pressing Need of Defining the Fundamentals of The Direct Selling Industry

When a new domain emerges in the business world, so do its critiques and supporters. While supporters are knowledgeable about the field and have a positive experience with the new industry, critiques speak based on...

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“Direct Selling” Compensation Plan – Eye Opener

The compensation plan is one of the key elements of a direct selling company. It is extremely important that this element is perfectly tuned to reward the hard work of the direct sellers and leadership. Direct sellers throughout...

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Hierarchy of a Direct Selling Company

Business organizations have a structural hierarchy that defines the relationship between individuals involved in the organizations. The hierarchy structure in an organization is in the form of a pyramid...

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Direct Seller – Eye Opener

Direct Selling companies provide an excellent entrepreneurial opportunity for people. The direct selling companies market and/or manufacture consumable products and consumer durables which are sold in the market through individuals...

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Strategy India - Driving Businesses Ahead

Direct Selling is a billion-dollar industry spread across the globe. Millions of direct sellers are engaged in direct selling around the world as well as in India. The industry provides an excellent entrepreneurial...

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MLM Systems - The Modern Day Pyramids

There are a variety of misconceptions about Pyramid Schemes deploying the multi-level marketing (MLM) compensation plans which need addressing to ensure that all participants are fully cognizant...

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Cryptocurrencies and MLM

2016-2017 saw many MLM operations launch claiming to generate and/or trade in cryptocurrency. Almost all of them promised fixed returns on the money invested by the investors...

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Sustainability - A comfortable future with MLM? Possible?

Experience tells us no, Opportunists tell us yes. So..... what is the truth. Sustainability should be the keyword in any business venture.

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Direct selling- MLM is as good for a country as Red wine is for health.

Direct selling – MLM consulting requires us to answer many queries from various people wanting to really understand this method of retail.

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Checking, Planning and Implementing systems for Success

Well-known brands in the direct selling world both in India and internationally are struggling to survive as they come to learn that they have ignored the most crucial element that leads to success - Sustainability!...

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Be warned - The MLM tax net is tightening

For more than the past decade Strategy India and S.I. Worldwide have been keeping direct sellers and corporate executives abreast of changes happening in the world that will affect business decisions, international...

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Network marketing / Direct selling / Multilevel marketing operations the grip tightens on Ponzi schemes (And "Direct selling companies")

In your mind you might not be operating, or involved with a Ponzi scheme.But in the mind and eyes of the authorities if they believe you to be involved with...

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Anyone Can Write a Compensation Plan “BUT DO THEY KNOW THE LAWS?”

A “Sustainable” operation = a “Legal” operation, and if you don’t understand that simple rule then life going on from here...

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Essential User Friendly Features For Direct Selling- MLM Online Software

This feature empowers you to oversee all users involved in your direct selling-MLM business. It includes functionalities like user registration, profile management, and role-based access control.....

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Direct Selling – Single level / Multi level marketing Compensation Plan Guidelines

Focus on sustainability the Direct selling – SL/MLM compensation plan guidelines are developed after conducting in-depth study on Direct selling operations (Proprietorship, Partnership...

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Facade vs Real Intent

The chances are that most of the world has never heard of Vemma, an American owned direct selling MLM Company. According to reports they only have 150,000 customers and affiliates which is insignificant when looked at...

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FTC vs Direct selling (MLM)?

On 21st August 2015 the direct selling world went into shock when Vemma, a US owned company was shut down on the orders of a US District Judge on the basis that there was enough evidence of it being a pyramid...

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Single level and Multilevel Marketing Compensation Plan

In any direct selling business (SLM/MLM), the Compensation Plan is very critical to the success of the business. It actually makes or breaks the business...

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Introduction to the indian direct selling market

The direct selling companies have been growing in high double digits on the low base and are extremely bullish on the future. While the steep growth rates of over 50-100% are unlikely on...

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Are the direct selling business models deploying MLM compensation plans sustainable?

Direct selling consulting for operations deploying single level or multilevel marketing compensation plans is known as direct selling MLM consultancy...

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What mistakes can you avoid by hiring a professional direct selling consultancy?

The most common misconceptions among the people starting operations deploying the MLM (Multilevel marketing) compensation plans in India and the world over...

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Creating A Compelling Future In Direct Selling

Creating a future takes time and patience, especially if you do not know what that future looks like, or even frustration when you do know what it looks like but are too impatient to plan and live it...

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Compensation Plan – Eye Opener

The compensation plan is one of the key elements of a direct selling company. It is extremely important that this element is perfectly tuned to reward the hard work of the direct sellers and leadership.Direct sellers throughout...

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How much are your feet worth?

Yes I know, it’s a strange question to ask someone isn’t it? We don’t think of our feet as having any value whatsoever, yet, when it comes to pursuing any dream of success, there are real steps that need to be taken in order to reach it...

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The Indian Direct Selling Scenario

India is a country where opportunities are far lesser and inadequate to support the population as compared to cost of survival. Though subsidies are being proposed by the central government but they only...

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The "Ponzi" Fact

What is a Ponzi Scheme? Much has been written about Ponzi schemes, the rights and wrongs of such programs and quite correctly warning people of the dangers of getting involved in schemes such as these. Sadly, many companies have also been...

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India : The Tiger is Roaring

With more and more companies entering the Indian market every year, network marketers are aware that the Indian Tiger is awake and roaring. India has had a double-digit GDP growth for the past decade and will become the...

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Has e-commerce queered the pitch for direct selling?

Direct selling as a business model gives people a chance to retail products and earn incentives which are based on the turnover achieved in a particular tenure. Direct sales is usually preferred...

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Direct Selling By Team Strategy India

Direct Selling Remember the friendly salesman at your doorstep selling you something at a price significantly cheaper than that at the retail shops. Or your colleague at work who circulated catalogues at lunch time...

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A Direct Call

Direct selling in its various forms, once seen as a ‘short term phenomenon’ has now become a globally accepted business practice for moving goods and achieving global expansion without incurring the massive overheads and investments...

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Beware Of The MLM Pyramid

There is no real service or product. Genuine goods and services are sold to customers outside of the MLM programme. Proceed with caution if it appears that the product or service being offered is just speculative or is priced too high....

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Main Reasons Why Victims Refrain From Complaining Against Multilevel Marketing Ponzi Schemes

Apprehension of police harassment: Victims may fear retaliation or harassment from law enforcement authorities if they come forward with complaints. This fear can discourage them from reporting fraud.....

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Maximizing Success In Direct Selling: Unlocking The Potential Of Your MLM Business

With its unique approach of retailing products and services through independent contractors, direct selling presents exciting opportunities and complex business challenges....

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The Best Legal Consultant for MLM: Expert Guidance for Direct Selling Companies

Are you a direct-selling company looking for expert guidance to navigate the complex legal landscape of the MLM industry? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best legal consultants for MLM and how they can assist you in building a compliant, successful, and globally expanding network marketing business....

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Maximising Success in Direct Selling: The Role of a Direct Selling Consultant

Direct selling companies face unique challenges in today's dynamic marketplace. From maximising the potential of independent business owners (IBOs) to refining product development and adapting to shifting market trends, numerous factors influence the success of a direct-selling business....

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Importance Of Understanding The Indian Business Scenario Before Launching A Direct Selling Company

Setting up a direct-selling company in India can be lucrative, given the country's vast consumer market and growing economy. However, to ensure success in this competitive landscape, it is crucial to understand the Indian business scenario thoroughly.....

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Negative/Special Product List - Eye Opener

Direct selling industry is growing exponentially in India and across the world. The direct selling companies are engaged in a business model wherein they market and sell products manufactured by them or another company to the customers via direct sellers...

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The Importance of Consulting for Direct Selling Companies: Unlocking Success with MLM Compensation Plans

Most Direct selling companies operate in a unique business model that relies heavily on compensation plans to drive sales and motivate their sales force....

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The Role Of A Direct Selling Consultant In Boosting Business Success

In today's highly competitive business landscape, companies continually seek innovative strategies to reach their target audience and maximise sales. Direct selling has emerged as a powerful and efficient sales channel, allowing businesses to connect directly with consumers....

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Legal MLM Consulting: Your Ultimate Guide To Direct Selling Advise

In the business world, multilevel marketing (MLM) has emerged as a popular strategy for selling products and services. MLM, also known as network marketing or direct marketing, involves selling goods through person-to-person sales and building a network of distributors....

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Understanding The Intricacies Of Cryptocurrency In MLM: An Expert Perspective

As MLM Consultants, We have witnessed the surge of interest in cryptocurrency within the MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) landscape. However, it's crucial to comprehend that MLM and Cryptocurrency don't mix well...

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A Comprehensive Guide To Legal Advisory For The Direct Selling - MLM Companies

Legal advice is crucial for Direct Selling-MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) companies to navigate the complex world of business laws. With an ever-changing regulatory environment, having a competent legal advisor can make all the difference....

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Crafting A Winning India Entry Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide For Direct Selling Companies

Business expansion into new territories is a significant decision for any organization. The decision becomes even more critical when the destination is a diverse and dynamic market like India...

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Direct Selling Legal Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide By Mlm Consultants

In an ever-evolving business landscape, direct selling has emerged as a popular business model in India and worldwide. However, it has its challenges, especially regarding legal compliance...

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Your Trusted Partner For Sucess In India

As the global marketplace continues to evolve, multinational companies are increasingly recognizing the immense potential of the Indian market....

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Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Compensation Plans

Direct Selling with the Multilevel marketing (MLM) compensation plans has become a popular business model for companies across various industries....

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The Dark Side Of MLM: Unravelling The Web Of Ponzi Frauds

Direct selling involves selling products through a network of independent contractors. Ponzi fraudsters also exploit the retail model to defraud the general public, disguising themselves as a direct selling enterprise.....

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Benefits Of Direct Selling For India

Direct selling is a marketing and distribution channel that global and small and medium-sized brands use to market their products directly to the general public.....

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Unveiling The BUDS Act 2019 and the Fight Against Ponzi MLM Frauds

The Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Act (BUDS Act, 2019) is a significant legislative development in India aimed at curbing illicit deposit-taking activities......

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Strategy India – Direct Selling Consulting Agency – Your Partner In Successful Market Entry And Business Transformation

At Strategy India, we are your ultimate partner for all your business needs. We offer a complete range of top-notch services, from market entry and compliance to hiring, onboarding, business transformation, and more....

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The Viability of Direct Selling MLM in Experience-Based Product Promotions

In the realm of marketing products that hinge on sharing personal experiences, the Direct selling model deploying the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) compensation plan often emerges as a more suitable approach than traditional e-commerce platforms.....

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Understanding MLM Compensation Plans: A Comprehensive Guide

Multilevel Marketing (MLM) compensation plans play a pivotal role in the success of direct- selling businesses. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of MLM compensation plans.....

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